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By: Pooja Bhatti, British Columbia Institute of Technology, winner of the spring 2019 BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Italy and Austria

There’s a part of the brain that gets activated when you’re about to enter something fearful: the amygdala.  It’s responsible for the ‘fight or flight’ response. The day I leave to study abroad is getting closer; I find my amygdala to be on overdrive. 

In other words – I’m scared. 

Years ago, I filled out an application for a study abroad program and never submitted it.  But this time, I submitted my application at the earliest date possible. I bought my plane tickets as soon as I could.  Many...

Category: Student Blog
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By: Jaimie Cryder, University of Victoria, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Europe

Your flight is booked and you’ve started packing your bags. Now it is time to set intentions for your time abroad. Once you are on the road, time tends to speed up. Although this is my first field study experience, I expect this to be especially true when studying abroad. This is an exciting opportunity to learn in a new country; fully immersed in your subject of choice. However, deadlines do not cease to exist when you enter a new time zone. You don’t want to find yourself at that the end of your trip feeling like you could have g...

Category: Student Blog
A view of Tokyo Tower and the city skyline
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By: Bob Emmanuel Mulamba​, Simon Fraser University, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Tokyo, Japan

A lot has undergone within this past month of living in Japan. I believe that this exchange has offered lots of valuable experiences that will help shape my future professional career and potentially the rest of my life. I began my journey ready to surge forward into this brand-new world sprawling with the unfamiliar. I thought that I would need to change myself to fit in with the new process of life in Japan. However, in trying to fit in, I realized I was sacrificing a part of myself. I would shut off the sides of me which are ambitio...

Category: Student Blog
Porsche Campbell - Travel Essentials
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By: Porsche Campbell, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Kochi, India

With just over a week until I depart to study abroad, a mix of emotions are flowing through my body.  I consider myself an experienced traveller, yet I feel so unsure, a little nervous and excited all at the same time. While there have been lots of ups and downs with preparing, organizing flights, obtaining vaccinations, assessing money issues and applying for visas before embarking on my studies abroad, things have finally begun to settle and I am now able to focus on this last week.

My program has changed from one locat...

Category: Student Blog
